At City Wonders, a lot happens once a guest books with us. Multiple systems have to be updated so that attractions are notified, guides are arranged and schedules are changed. The Operations and Logistics Team provide the bulk of this data management. Every year we look for Operations and Logistics Interns to gain experience in this essential part of our company.
Hanna Fuhrer started as an intern in City Wonders this year and we asked her a few questions about her experience on the Operations & Logistics Team before she finished:

Hanna Fuhrer (Back row center) with some of the Operations & Logistics Team
1. Tell us about your background and studies and why you wanted to do an internship in City Wonders.
I am studying tourism management in Bremen in the north of Germany and as part of my study program, I had to do an internship abroad. Because I want to work for a tour operator in the future, I wanted my internship to be for a tour operator and gain insights into this sector. City Wonders is one of the top companies in Europe so they seemed perfect.
2. What were you expecting from your internship?
I was hoping to learn how a tour operator works, how the actual tour is delivered to the customer. In general, I wanted to see the process of how a tour is created.
3. What was the best part of your internship, and why?
The best part was definitely the people. My colleagues and especially the senior agents were always there for me to answer my questions and to help me if I had a problem. However, I had my own task list which I could work on independently and my work was valued at all times. Also outside of work, the other interns and I always had a lot of fun together and we became very good friends.
4. Did the internship provide you with any insights that you were not expecting?
Before the internship, I did not know about the buying events which were always a lot of fun to participate in. They provided me with insights in the area of purchasing and I learned to work efficiently and fast.
5. How do you feel this internship has helped you develop professionally?
I learned a lot about how a tour operator works and how tours are organized to deliver the best service possible to the customer. I also learned soft skills like time management, how to efficiently use two screens at the same time and how to communicate with distributors via email. I would say what I gained the most was how to organize myself in general.
6. Do you have any fun or special memories that contributed to your journey here?
I always had a lot of fun at the working events like the nights out, the team lunches and dinners and the buying events. With these events, you get to know your colleagues outside of the busy working day-to-day life and you have the chance to talk to them about subjects other than work. For me it is really important to get along well with my co-workers and those events contributed to this.
To learn more about City Wonders and the teams that organize the best guides in the world, visit our Careers section.